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▶ Usage



LiteNode utilizes parameters extensively to enhance routing and functionality within applications. Whether it's route parameters or query parameters, they provide a flexible way to handle dynamic data and user input.

Route Params

You can define routes with parameters:

// Define a route to handle GET requests for user details
app.get("/user/:id", (req, res) => {
    // Extract the user ID from the request parameters
    const userId =

    // Send a response with the user ID
    res.end(`User ID: ${userId}`)

Accessing http://localhost:5000/user/123 will respond with "User ID: 123".

Query Params

Query parameters can be accessed via req.queryParams:

// Define a route to handle GET requests for search queries
app.get("/search", (req, res) => {
    // Extract the search query from the request query parameters
    const query = req.queryParams.get("q")

    // Send a response with the search query
    res.end(`Search query: ${query}`)

Accessing http://localhost:5000/search?q=LiteNode will respond with "Search query: LiteNode".
